Hello World

my first hashnode post...


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So, I figured I'd just drop in a starter post for everyone that maybe lands here. I've been experimenting with writing. Tried Medium, Substack now Hashnode.

Somehow, I have perpetual writer's block when it comes to doing it really. So this is me, at least attempting a bit harder, to write something.

I could probably write about Unity tips or my experiences with VR development. As of late, learning a bunch of fun stuff about MR development with the Meta Quest 2. It's insane. It's fun. Maybe I'll just write about that!

What do yall think?

For now, let me put this down. Please stop making all Unity fields public in Unity.

public float MoveSpeed; //Stop doing this!

If you're not accessing it from other classes, keep it private and serialize it for access from the Inpsector.

private float MoveSpeed; //Do this instead

Also, use Rider instead of Visual Studio...
